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Concrete actions to address STBBIs in Canada

Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI) remain an important public health issue in Canada. Over the last decade, the domestic landscape has shifted considerably, with new scientific developments in the areas of prevention, treatment, and testing that have highlighted gaps and challenges in the current Canadian response. Global and domestic communities have rallied around new global goals and targets for STBBI, including the 90-90-90 HIV treatment targets, and have pledged to eliminate the AIDS epidemic and viral hepatitis as major public health threats by 2030.


As part of broader efforts to engage stakeholders, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) invited individuals and organizations working in the STBBI field to complete an online questionnaire. The questionnaire covered perceived challenges and recommended solutions to help identify concrete actions in Canada’s response to STBBI.


PHAC hired Be the Change Group to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of the engagement survey responses, seeking concrete actions to address sexually transmitted and Blood Borne Infections (STBBI) in Canada. Our team developed a comprehensive report, a leadership presentation, and a community-accessible infographic of the findings and recommendations that emerged from the data.



      See full report


      Data analysis

      We developed an analytic plan to analyze the 1,055 completed survey responses, and, using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, employed a thematic analysis approach to explore key themes that naturally emerged from this data. Using Excel, we performed a fall-off analysis, calculated response frequencies for each quantitative question, thematically coded open ended responses, and cross-tabulated relevant variables to further explore the findings. French responses were translated into English and included in the analysis.


      The report

      Our research and design teams worked together to produce a designed analytical report that summarized the key findings from the questionnaire, including significant challenges, barriers, concrete actions, and other considerations for addressing STBBI as identified by respondents, and data visualization figures (pie charts, graphs). The 127-page report, Concrete Actions to Address Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections in Canada: An Online Stakeholder Engagement Exercise, included an executive summary, introduction, results, discussion, commentary, limitations, conclusion, and appendices that included figures and their concise interpretation, and a specific appendix that presented the key findings from Indigenous respondents.

      See full report

      Our Solution

      In addition to the report, we developed a leadership presentation and a community-accessible summary to be used for communication of the data to community organizations and the general public. The summary was a four-page infographic highlighting key findings from the report, which included original illustration and icons.
      See the summary infographic