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Heroes among us

Celebrating Canada’s environmental public health professionals


While we love a good Marvel or DC movie as much as the next person (shout out to Black Panther and the Dora Milaje, the women warriors who protect Wakanda), we’re even bigger fans of the real-life heroes who are members of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI).


Across Canada, these environmental public health professionals carry out a wide range of activities with their partners to keep us safe in public places. They monitor and regularly inspect licensed child care facilities to keep our kids safe, ensure the safety of our drinking water and our pools, conduct tobacco control in order to curb this dangerous habit, and a lot more.


Oh, and that beautiful tattoo you’re planning to get? Canada’s environmental public health professionals make sure that the only thing you get from the tattoo studio is amazing ink, and not a bloodborne disease or skin infection.

Image from Be the Change Group’s national media campaign for the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI).

Image from Be the Change Group’s national media campaign for the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI).

Raising awareness and fostering appreciation


Although the work of public health inspectors and environmental health officers touches crucial aspects of our daily lives, the public doesn’t often see the work they do. You could say that invisibility was one of their superpowers—until now.


Be the Change Group is thrilled to have partnered with CIPHI on a national campaign to raise the profile of the environmental public health profession, and we continue to support these dedicated professionals in sharing the work they do every day to protect the health of all Canadians.


Having worked with CIPHI’s dedicated team of passionate volunteers for the past four years and seeing the effort they put in to grow their organization and get their message out made launching this campaign all the more rewarding. No one is more deserving of recognition!


If you’re curious to learn more about CIPHI, check out the campaign on their Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. And if you spot one of their billboards, take a moment to think about how much safer you are because of these everyday heroes who protect our public health.

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Images of CIPHI billboards and digital ad “in the wild” as part of the 2022 national campaign.

Images of CIPHI billboards and digital ad “in the wild” as part of the 2022 national campaign.

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