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Getting down with llamas and NAMAs (and Akon, too)

When the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently contracted us to create a short video promoting Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), we weren’t anticipating llamas as well. But so it goes.


However, llamas aren’t quite the star of this initiative—finding ways for developing countries to contribute towards global climate change efforts while moving their economies on sustainable development pathways is.


NAMAs are currently being implemented throughout developing countries—from Costa Rica to Gambia to Thailand—in an effort by these countries to help to address climate change, while grow sustainable economies. That’s definitely a project that Be the Change Group can get behind.


In addition to the great opportunity to incorporate fun, quirky illustrations, it doesn’t hurt that the musician and activist, Akon, will be narrating the video, helping us to show how NAMAs are a powerful agent for transformational social, economic, and environmental change.


If you want to find out a lot more about NAMAs (and a little bit about llamas), click to watch this video.

A screen capture of our NAMAs video

A screen capture of our NAMAs video

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