Geoffrey Ford

Geoffrey Ford

Public Health Specialist


Barney Hickey Newcomer of the Year (2011)

Nancy Coles Blackburn Memorial Scholarship, University of Toronto (2009)

Kathleen Sally Syme Award, University of Toronto (2008)

Mildred Claire Pratt Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship, University of Toronto (2008)


Geoffrey is a Registered Nurse, published clinical researcher, and public health expert with over a decade of experience in infectious disease, sexual health, health promotion and clinical policy. He is experienced in knowledge translation, implementation of science research, curriculum development, facilitation, and leading multidisciplinary teams.


As the senior practice lead at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Geoffrey works as practice specialist alongside multi-disciplinary teams responsible for STBBI, harm reduction and emerging public health threats. In this role, he must quickly respond to emerging public health threats, including COVID-19, through the development of provincial clinical protocols and practice supports. Through his community health nursing experience, Geoffrey has built clinical expertise in the provision of primary care and specialty clinical services, including the development of engagement and recruitment strategies for key populations, including people engaged in the sex trade; gay men, bisexual men, and men who have sex with men; gender diverse populations; and people of colour.


Among the many public health support roles in which Geoffrey serves, he is committee chair to several provincial working groups and communities of clinical practice, Geoffrey maintains a strong network of public health professionals in B.C. He is also a leader in advancing scope of practice for health professionals, collaborating with regulatory bodies and professional associations to improve the delivery and efficiency of public health services. With advanced practice nursing certification in HIV, sexual, and reproductive health, Geoffrey currently oversees the development and revision of these advanced practice provincial nursing guidelines. As a nurse researcher, he has worked on several randomized control trials related to HIV and Zika virus research, as well as clinical supervision to the Momentum Health study nursing research team in Vancouver, B.C., a respondent-driven sampling study to obtain estimates of HIV prevalence among MSM.


Geoffrey holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Victoria, a BSc in Nursing (RN) from the University of Toronto, and a Master of Public Health in Social Policy from the University of Victoria.